About the Fund

About the Fund
Women’s Fund of Hawai’i helps the most vulnerable women and girls realize their potential, promotes women’s financial security and girls’ leadership, addresses the factors that stand in the way of women’s success, and promotes their well-being. We are dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls statewide.
Since 2005, we have awarded over $1,630,000 in grants to 200+ community-based organizations to support over 350 programs across the state of Hawai’i.
Meaningful change is possible when a community invests in itself. The funds we raise go back into our island communities in the form of grants to organizations doing essential work on behalf of women and girls. Women’s Fund of Hawai’i is committed to helping women and girls overcome social and economic barriers, because when women are safe, healthy, and economically secure, then families and communities are too.
When Hawai’i’s women thrive, Hawai’i thrives.
Grants Process
Women’s Fund of Hawai‘i issues a Request for Proposal twice annually, in the spring and in the fall. Applications are accepted online via our web site for one month, after which they are thoroughly vetted by our Grants Committee. This Committee consists of up to 11 women community members from a variety of backgrounds, including our Executive Director and Grants Chair (a WFH Board member); certain WFH Board members; women who work or have worked with non-profits and/or grantmaking and writing in Hawai‘i, nationally, and internationally; women who hold advanced degrees in public health and social work and law, to name a few. Members rotate off the committee after four cycles.
Community Support
In 2023, thanks to our many wonderful donors, Women’s Fund of Hawai‘i was thrilled and honored to provide more than $262,925 in grant funding to:
Spring 2023 Grantee Partner Programs:
* Client Assistance Fund for Women and Girls
* Culinary Education Program
* Hanawai
* Indigenous Women’s Incubator – Financial Literacy Module
* Ka‘u Women’s Health Collective
* KLA Girls Group
* Naiwa Wahine Builders
* Survivor Transportation and Childcare Needs Fund
* Therapeutic Living Program
* Transitional Support Services
* Wahine Rising- The Dream
* Women’s Wellness Clinic
Fall 2023 Grantee Partner Programs:
* 9 Months: Windows of Hope
* After School Leadership Program
* Digital Transition
* Finding Your Voice, Finding Your Strength: Let’s Talk About Healthy Relationships with Girls and Their Caregivers
* Immigrant Women’s Domestic Violence Fund
* Maker to Marketplace: Empowering Kora Tilmeowoj
* Maui Fire Relief For Mothers & Babies
* Moloka‘i Nui A Hina
* Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
* The HOPEful Smiles Program
* Therapeutic Living Program
* Young Wāhine Kai Camp
* Hosting an Area 1 Seminar for Build a Better World for Women and Girls.
2023 Maui Wildfire Emergency Grantee Needs
* Deliversing food and supplies to Lahaina women and children, providing school clothes and hygiene supplies, and providing those staying in Lahaina with generators and fuel
* Provided for housing, clothing, toiletries, groceries and baby necessities for a population not reached through regular channels.
* Locating and covering costs for clean, safe birthing spaces for women who were originally planning a home birth prior to losing their homes or access to their homes due to the Maui wildfires.
* Supporting case management and training of volunteers for cultural curriculum that helps with the mental health initiatives
* Conducting a durable equipment drive for women and girls who are disabled and lost these items in the fire.
* Providing mini grants for women who will use these funds, up to $500, to give them agency and control over how monies are spent to support their displaced families
* Supporting the purchase of new, permanent mobile clinic for Maui by Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawai‘i.
* Transportation of essential supplies and wages for fire area delivery drivers.
Women & Girls’ Philanthropy
We are committed to inspiring women to donate on behalf of other women and girls. Women’s equality leads to progress in our community as a whole, and investing in women and girls offers an incredible return on investment.
Women’s Fund of Hawai’i was first envisioned in 1989 by then-CEO of Hawaii Community Foundation Jane Renfro Smith. Ms. Smith and the Fund’s original supporters shared a vision to create an expanding resource permanently dedicated to women and girls. Only 1.9% of U.S. philanthropic dollars goes to women and girls. Our founders intended to decrease the gender gap in funding and were firm in their belief that women’s equality leads to societal progress.
In 2005, Women’s Fund of Hawai’i was granted its own 501(c)(3) status, elected a dynamic board of directors, and hired its first Executive Director. Since then, the Fund has been guided by prominent Hawaii women from a diverse array of fields who are deeply committed to achieving social change.
In 2005, Women’s Fund of Hawai’i made a grant in the amount of $5,000. In 2022, the Fund was able to increase the grant award to $10,000 for each non-profit organization with programs dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls across the state of Hawaii.